Typically $1,250 - $4,500, with the average customer paying $2,400. Prices vary depending on complexity, urgency, size and the services you'll need.
That being said, we can usually give you a price on a 45 minute discovery call.
Who do you tend to work with?
You'll likely see value in our services if either you're generating over $1M in sales or have runway of at least a year.
More importantly, you believe you're building something meaningful and care about the financial well-being of your company.
How do you calculate the price?
Every customer pays the same for each service using a system we call 'Budgeted Hours".
During the discovery call, we'll figure out which services you need, their complexity and when you need it by.
The system will calculate a number and that's what you'll pay on a monthly basis.
What can I expect if I hire you?
We tend to be the last accounting firm a company works with before bringing everything in-house.
We've intentionally decided to stay at this size (~60 ppl) so that you don't have to experience any growing pains (a typical complaint).
We do this to ensure no other customer infringes on your allocated time and we can operate in a calm, sustainable environment that values trust and good service above anything else.